Our Road To Marriage…

It’s not always the conventional way of getting with someone that has the best story; in fact it could be the worst place and time that can have the greatest effects and believe me this isn’t one of those ‘Once upon a time’ moments.

I’d love to say we went for a couple of dates and ‘got to know’ each other, but that wasn’t the case.

In fact the first time we spoke she already thought she knew a lot about me!
This is probably because of my ex girlfriend.

[aside title=”Control the sighs…”][/aside]

In fact before my now partner knew me she was under the impression I was a monster.
This is because (stereotypes behold) my ex partner was living with her.

There’s a part of me that wants to tell you the truth about my ex (liar, a thief, a cheat, deluded individual) but this may start to sound like the end credits of the breakfast club…!

So after having to sort out a second life I was unaware of (fabricated by said ex), myself and my-soon-partner-to-be decided to meet!

Never in my life did I think we’d actually do this because when she first messaged me she thought I was a lunatic. I really don’t know what possessed me to meet her, the fact I was seeing someone else didn’t even help.

But I bet we all know that itchy feet feeling when you just know you’ll regret it if you don’t do it. (Disclaimer and willing to pinky promise on it: I never cheated on my partner at the time and I was mature enough to call the relationship to an end when I realised I only ever saw her as a friend)

So after all the hinting (mostly hers) we set a date to meet.
I can honestly say I think I’d rather have taken the idea of the spoon into the Dragons den – it would have been a hell of a lot less anxious!

So being a typical woman I had no idea what to wear when it came to the day hours of pondering and having to redo my make-up because I managed to sweat it all off…!

In the end I chose black skinny jeans, a polo t-shirt and a pirates captain hat – I must explain the hat to you one day…

Outfit ready, make up on and it was on the green mile to the train station, in broad day light.. looking like I just escaped the local nutter’s house…

And frankly, that’s where our story started…



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