Dykons: Oprah

It’s time to pay homage at the altar of dyke icons. And this week it’s, quite possibly, the most powerful woman on earth – Oprah.
Oprah Winfrey.
Also known as:
Ms Winfrey, Orpah (that`s what she was christened) or “The Big O”.
Not to be confused with:
Sally Jessy Raphael.
Last seen:
Talking to the Hollywood Reporter on why she never had yearned to be a mother – she says had she had children, they probably would have hated her.
It’s alright Oprah, they usually get over that phase by 21.
Best feature:
Quite possibly the most famous reporter there is.
Also her can-do attitude which has made her quite the empire.
Most likely to say:
“I believe I was put on this earth to be the best me that I possibly can be..”
Least likely to say:
“Yeah, okay, whatever, I don`t mind, I give up.”
Is she a sista?
Nope, officially she`s happily partnered with moustache-sporting-one-named, Steadman.
But she does have a very close relationship with her best friend and she`s a liberal whose mates cross the whole sexuality spectrum.
Do mention:
Oprah is a wonder of modern life.
She’s worth billions, she could easily be the first black woman president of the United States, and she`s completely self-made.
Don`t mention:
Her weight.
Does it matter anyway?