Do Lesbian Hook-Ups Exist?

The Loch Ness monster, Big Foot and Lezzy-One-Night-Stands; not too tricky to spot the link there, they’re all the stuff of legend.
Yeah, we’ve all got that one mate who claims they have a friend whose sister knows someone that’s seen one…
But is it really possible?
I have to say, as a caveat, that I do have one friend who used to simply hook up…
She’d love ’em and leave ’em…
But she’s a terrible example because, as well as that, she had a Mrs at home.
Which brings the number of proper lesbian one night stands that I know of to zero.
There’s always an ongoing ‘thing‘ or it goes on for a while longer than Saturday night.
Thing with women is that they’re not too great at that whole ‘no strings‘ thing.
And I’m talking women generally, here.
It doesn’t matter who you’re bunking up with after a night of dancing and rosewinewithlemonadeinatallglasswithice; women get attached and they do it fast.
And you may shave your legs with the best intentions of just one night of fun.
But, women. They be crazy.
Calling your new love interest-come-sleepover partner “your other half” is a rite of passage.
Once you’re invited to events as a pair and share joggers then you can use that term, before that? Just no.
But girls do it all the time, after a few dates it’s all “serious” and Facebook official; I’m talking gay or straight, here.
And I say this affectionately.
Please don’t lynch me.
I myself was looking for a ‘no strings attached‘, ‘this is nothing serious‘ thing.
Then I went and fell in love with The Girl From Work.
And now we’re getting married. No stri-what?!
Lesbians have double the fun (or trouble, whichever way you want to look at it.) and we’ve all heard that classic ‘what do lesbians bring on a second date?‘.
I mean talk about a cliche, my Girl and I went and chose our kitten not 3 months into our relationship.
Is it that men keep some kind of emotional distance in a relationship?
Do they have barriers that women just don’t?
Sometimes, maybe.
But some girls must too?
Maybe women are just too polite?
Each doesn’t want to upset, offend or piss the other off… But if this was the case lesbian couple would never break up and we know that isn’t the case.
Anyway I’m not saying that women (in particular gay women) liking relationships is a bad thing; for one prefer to know what I’m having when I eat out.
And by that I mean to say my local takeaway knows my order off by heart…
Laura loves tea and cakes and kittens. She’s an obsessive planner, but also rubbish at sticking to plans and a terrible parker (She passed her driving test eighth time, out of sheer luck.) Scribbling’s not her day job but here’s where she does it: I Shout When I Whisper.
Love it Laura! Keep up the writing!