Rules of texting your new crush

While we don’t want to get too obsessed with the idea of how to communicate with someone you like – because really that kind of thing should just flow naturally – there are a few rules about texting your new crush that we would definitely stick to.

1. Don’t overdo it!

We know how tempting it is to want to find out everything about your new romance right from the word go, because let’s face it, she’s suddenly the most interesting person in the world. And while some girls love constant texting, some don’t. In the early stages of a relationship you might want to tone it down and control yourself until you know each other and the boundaries.

2. Don’t follow her on all social media accounts

Again, we know its tempting, you want to see her selfies on Instagram, her sense of humour on twitter, her political views on Facebook etc, but it’s just a little bit weird to go on what she may assume is a social media stalking spree after your first date. If she likes you, she won’t be going anywhere.

3. Don’t get too personal over texts

No, not sexting. We mean don’t ask her really personal questions like how many girls she’s slept with, what her relationship with her family is like or what losing her virginity was like. If that sort of thing comes up in conversation then fine, let things flow naturally but if they don’t it’s better to bring them up in person.

4. Don’t text her at weird times

You know what we mean, goodnight and good morning texts are odd when you have only recently met someone, just plain odd.

5. Group chats are never a good idea

Group chats seem to be what everyone is part of now but here’s the thing, friends like to embarrass you, friends like gossip and friends will probably make it really awkward between you and your crush on a group chat, so remember girls, just say no.



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