Sarah Paulson is our spirit lesbian
Sarah Paulson who recently started dating actress Holland Taylor has been on our radar for a while, not just because she’s an amazing actress but also because she’s amazing. Oh wait, she’s also beautiful and funny and all of the following too:
She’s full of emotions, just like how we are when we think of her
Aggressive clapping because who passively claps anymore?
Her reaction to male anatomy is the same as ours really
And when she’s not aggressively clapping she’s aggressively cheering people on
And look at her, she’s gorgeous
and here she is looking like a casual angel as she eats an eclair
Even when she cries she looks adorable, definitely not an ugly crier
And here she is adding to her adorable appeal with a cute little dance
Seriously we love the little dances she does
She pulls off glasses in classic sexy librarian fashion
The woman can hold her liquor
She’s a silly little goose…. and we love it
Protect our spirit lesbian at all costs