First Inklings I Was A Lesbian…
Despite knowing—on some level at a very young age that I was a lesbian, it took a silly amount of time for the pink penny to finally, consciously drop.
Into my university years I was writing entry after entry in my diary about how beautiful my latest girl-crush’s eyes were … yet expressing in the very next paragraphs my bewilderment as to why I never felt excited when a boy touched me.
So, how could I know I was gay when I didn’t know?
Confessions Of A Teenage Stalker…
The idea that remained with me is that my teacher, ‘Miss Williams’ and I were lovers in our past lives, that I had had a sudden death and so had carried the intensity of our love, grief from the rift, and recognition of my lover, into my current life. Miss Williams, on the other hand, had lived for a long time after my death, she had overcome the love, her grief had subsided, and she no longer recognised me in this life.
As a disclaimer, I should like to emphasise that the passing of the years has in every way corrected the behaviour I am about to describe. And yet, I confess, I was once this person…
Love? Or Love’s Horny Little Cousin?
Being a Life Coach I have the pleasure and privilege of assisting clients with their biggest fears and also biggest goals, one of those is regularly the question of how to master relationships and love.
However, I can say wholeheartedly that there is one topic of confusion I encounter regularly when my clients are questioning love, and it isn’t love at all, it’s love’s horny little cousin, lust…
Getting Over Her…
Getting over your ex is never easy. This is the girl you thought you would be with until you were crippled in a home together sharing grapes. But she wasn’t the one. Read more…
Reasons Not To Keep A Diary
What was to become a life-long obsession with diary-writing began like this …
Thursday 9th October 1986
“Not in an unpleasant way.”
I felt compelled to jot down the above snippet of homophobia made by one of my teachers when I was seventeen.
I made the note in my school homework diary, using Greek letters (I had studied Greek at ‘O’ level). The teacher had made a remark about another teacher which was ambiguous and could have meant that the second teacher was gay…
7 Tips For Bringing Your Girlfriend Home For Christmas
The seven days of bringing your girlfriend home for Christmas
Firstly, a congratulations is probably in order, since you’ve survived the “Where do we go for Christmas?” argument and you still have a girlfriend.
Well done you.
As a reward, and to help the festive season go off without a hitch, here’s a list of Christmas commandments to get you through…
10 Things I’ve learnt with coming out.
Coming out is a scary arse thing that most people try and avoid doing for as long as possible. I…
Valentines Day Stories – The Best and Worst
I have a love/hate thing with Valentines Day. I think a lot of people do, usually there’s a correlation between…
Lesbians: How To Go Out With Boys
TIPS FOR LESBIANS ON HOW TO GO OUT WITH BOYS I have always been a lesbian. I have never had…
A Girls’ Guide to First Dates
When I first got with My Love, I wasn’t very good at dating…
With the longer days and less rainy weekends (in the UK at least) it’s obvious that summer’s on the way.
It’s time to whip out the sun cream and enjoy trips to beer gardens.
And, of course, we know that Pride Events are just around the corner…
Friends With Benefits?
I’m not saying this is for everyone.
If you see sex and love as the same thing, then don’t even bother.
And especially if you have that fairy-tale-Disney attitude of:
“If we just have sex now it might blossom into a beautiful marriage…”
How Can You Be Sure She’s ‘The One’?
You need to be sure.
Like sure, sure not “she’s alright” sure.
So we’ve devised a fool proof way of knowing that you’ve found The One.
(Legally we’re obliged to let you know that it’s not fool proof and just because you don’t satisfy all of the below, there’s no need to call off the wedding and vice versa…)
Should You Date Someone You Work With?
You’ve spotted someone you fancy at work – this is brilliant; you can practically get paid to flirt with her. Once she inevitably decides that she loves you back, your life will be so much easier; you can go to work in one car, lunch together and have sneaky supply cupboard sessions when nobody’s looking…
Wedding Planning Tips
I’ve been lucky enough to plan some amazing same sex weddings and I can honestly say (this is directed at those who deem them ‘not real weddings’) that they are very real.
After all, a wedding is about two people who are committing to love each other forever, against all odds and even alongside the old myth looming around their heads which shall not be named (read: lesbian bed death). It’s time to keep on demonstrating our love for each other until society catches up, and who wants to wait around for that to happen anyway…?
How To Have The ‘Girlfriend’ Conversation…
Picture the scene; you’ve met someone great..
Even the thought of her makes you giddy, you get butterflies when she texts and you don’t mind her seeing you first thing in a morning- in fact you actively want to wake up with her- but it’s not “official” yet…
I Fell In Love With The Girl From Work
I met my future wife, at work.
I like to pretend that I trained her but in fact I was paired with a chubby, spotty, know-it-all boy while my friend got to buddy with the fitty who is now set to be my wife…
So What Exactly Is Gay Marriage?
Same sex marriages are introduced in England and Wales from 29 March 2014, but gay couples will also still be able to opt to have a Civil Partnership.
There’s been a lot of media coverage on the Same Sex marriage bill, but it’d be useful, we think, to outline exactly what it all means…
Do Lesbian Hook-Ups Exist?
The Loch Ness monster, Big Foot and Lezzy-One-Night-Stands; not too tricky to spot the link there, they’re all the stuff of legend.
Yeah, we’ve all got that one mate who claims they have a friend whose sister knows someone that’s seen one…
But is it really possible…?
I Avoided Sex…
I didn’t know I was avoiding having sex for the first ten years or so of my adult life.
I just knew I wasn’t getting any, and I didn’t understand why…