10 Lessons I Learned When I Became Bulimic
Twenty-two years ago, at the age of twenty, I managed to make myself bulimic. I would consume nothing but water…

We’re Not Time-Wasters, We’re Just Bisexual!
I occupy a strange place within the LGBT community. I’m technically a gold star, but I identify as bi.
When I first came out to my parents 4 years ago, my mum’s first reaction was:
‘Aww Annie… what’s bi?’

10 Ways NOT To Come Out
I came out, kicking and screaming, in the 1980s and early 1990s … in some pretty poor ways.
Here are my top ten favourite ways well worth avoiding…

Sing You Home – Reviewed
Sing You Home is a novel by best selling author of My Sister’s Keeper, Jodi Picoult.
The story explores the struggles between the LGBT community, the church, the legal system, and society as a whole…

PS4 & Next Gen Games – Reviewed
As we all know, the latest in next-gen consoles were released worldwide by Microsoft and Sony, delivering the Xbox One and PS4 respectively.
I got my hands on the PS4 at midnight here in Australia and have been overwhelmed by the amazing-ness that has been brought onto me…

Love Is All You Need? – Reviewed
Imagine a world where ‘gay’ was ‘straight’ – and ‘straight’ was ‘gay’…
Love Is All You Need? is a short film that reverses the concept of normality.
When it was first released in 2011, the film gained critical acclaim in the short film festival circuit and despite its 2 million plus views on Youtube the film seems under-recognised by the LGBT community…
Blue Is the Warmest Colour: Reviewed
Despite all the hype (both negative and positive) surrounding this year’s Palme D’Or winner Blue is the Warmest Colour, it would be difficult to say the film isn’t incredible.
The performances are stunning, emotionally raw and so utterly believable and the story is touching, involving and relatable (whatever your sexuality)…

“That’s So Gay” Let’s be Honest It’s Probably Not…
For quite some time now I’ve been contemplating the use of terms such as ‘gay’ in its colloquial sense and thinking about the repercussions this has on our community.
I’m always listening out for it in music and film, as I feel it’s a good place to start when considering such language and its place within society.
While this blog has been a long time coming, in-keeping with Stonewall’s campaign this week drawing attention to the use of the term ‘gay’, it seemed the right time to talk about it…

Bridegroom: A Tear-Inducing Documentary Of True Love…
Film Review:
His name was Tom, and he was Shane’s life…
They lived the American dream: a home, a business and dog together. However, they were ostracised both legally and by Tom’s family, by whom their partnership was never accepted.
Little did Shane know that his life was about to change, dramatically…

How To: Go out in London
Now I may not have learnt the cockney slang, picked up a posh accent or know how to battle my way through rush hour on the Piccadilly line, but going out in London I’m getting quite good at. Especially since only four months ago I was a country bumpkin finding the tall buildings scary.
If you’re used to other places or have never been out in the capital before, there are rules, things you need to know about and other best bits…

10 Reasons Why You’re Still Single
You think you’re a good egg, so you can’t possibly understand why you’re still single.
Here’s 10 reasons why you could potentially be single…

10 Things You Can Do If You Want To Do Drag
Recently deciding I wanted to dress in drag, or as a man, I found myself doing a bit of research.
This mainly consisted of perusing the Internet whilst eating too many almonds, and talking to experienced Drag Kings about what it is that they do and how they do it.
I’ve put together a list of pointers and resources for others who might be in the position I was in some time ago.

Throwing People “Out” – Should It Ever Be Done?
Old friends often ask me if other people are gay.
I am not entirely sure why this is. Perhaps, as their only non-straight ex-class mate, I have become the authority on such things.
I often tell them I don’t know. Usually because I don’t, or because I feel protective over the privacy of my acquaintances.
Lately I’ve found myself wondering: why the interest in other people’s sexuality?

Exit Strategies
Your exits are located here, here and here…
But if you use them, she will call you a douchebag and all of her friends will unfollow you on Twitter.
Thus is the unwritten rule of, “What happens when you dump your girlfriend.”
There are, however, some ways to soften the blow…

Can You Go From Lovers to Friends?
When a couple splits up it’s usually the friendship they miss more than anything.
They miss the person because that’s who they told everything to, who they shared all their secrets and spent all their time with watching CSI and eating jacket potatoes. And the question we want to ask is… can you go from lovers to friends?

Am I Gay?
How many women have spent their whole life not realising that they’re gay?How many women realised when they were five?How do you know?

What The Queer?
Before we get stuck in I want to offer a disclaimer: the meaning behind the word queer is extensive.
Anyone else would have the sense not to try and tackle a subject people frequently write dissertations on in a small article… but, because of reasons unknown even to me, I gave it a go.

Why Women Baffle Me…
Oh ladies, you’re such beautiful, sensual creatures.
Your curves are so pretty and you smell nice and oh, you’re so soft, do you moisturise?
I like you because you’re so sensitive and interesting, and, oh wait; you’re also completely ridiculous, irrational and confusing.
So help me answer these…?

Where To Meet Women Who May Like Women…
Now yes, we all know that you can log onto GaydarGirls and find a girlfriend, a friend or an adoptive Grandmother if we so wish, and that is a feeling as good as eating candy floss for breakfast.
But if you’re out and about around the city, don’t miss the opportunities to meet single girls, hot girls and the Natalie Portman lookalike girls that might be around the place.
How to meet women in the gym…

Femme Without Apology
I do not dress the way I dress because I am worried that if I don’t someone, especially a man, won’t tell me I look fabulous.
When my femininity is put on a pedestal, devaluing butch women, my gender performance loses its power… Femme without apology.