13 times we were basically just sloths
When we have a ‘moment’ with the one we love
Trying to reach for our dreams but…
When someone promises you a ‘sexy’ shower but it ends up just like
Getting VIP treatment for anything and looking at those around you like ‘whattup’
Staring at your crush but trying to act casual
When you and your girl have a fight and you try to cuddle her when she’s still mad
When you don’t realise how drunk you are until you get outside
When you finally get a meal after you felt like you were literally going to starve
When you finally get that new haircut that you think is 100% on fleek
When somebody you don’t like speaks and you just stare at them in mild annoyance
When you order pizza with your friends and it’s THAT good
When you are so ready for bed you even get pumped up to wear your PJ’s
And those times where even you can’t deny how unbelievably cute you are