Top Ten lesbian clichés
We could write a book on these but sadly we don’t have time so here are our faves

What if you DON’T fit into a lesbian cliché?
Is it wrong to want to move in together after a month? Is it right? We ponder…

How can I tell if she’s into me?
The age-old conundrum – how to figure out if she likes you back

How To Get The Girl, Or Girls
You know those women that seem to have no troubles getting girlfriends or dates at all? The ones who never…

Rules for dating a bisexual girl
There’s a stigma in the lez world about bisexuals, which is a shame because love is love, whatever your preference.…

First dates do’s and don’ts
Don’t reveal everything in the first 30 minutes, she doesn’t need to know how many straight girls you’ve seduced

Food To Avoid Ordering On Your V-Day Date
If you want to look like Beyonce on your Valentines day date avoid the messy spaghetti

Meeting Her parents for the first time during the Holiday season?
Meeting the parents can be a grueling ordeal. Breathe, it won’t be as bad as you think

How to get over your ex
There are some rational ways to help you get over your ex, even when you’re at your most irrational

Is PDA good or bad?
Public displays of affection, also known as PDAs. To some adorable signs of happy relationships, to others an embarrassing act…

Rules of texting your new crush
While we don’t want to get too obsessed with the idea of how to communicate with someone you like –…

Tips for coming out to your parents
It’s never easy but we all have to go through it. Here’s what we’ve learnt

How do I know if my crush is gay?
One of the biggest dilemmas in the lesbian world is that girls are so much flirtier than guys. How are…

Agony Aimee: I fancy my housemate
Dear Aunty GG, Help. I’ve just started my first term at university and I can feel myself developing a crush…

Lesbians: How To Go Out With Boys
TIPS FOR LESBIANS ON HOW TO GO OUT WITH BOYS I have always been a lesbian. I have never had…

A Girls’ Guide to First Dates
When I first got with My Love, I wasn’t very good at dating…

10 Reasons Why You’re Still Single
You think you’re a good egg, so you can’t possibly understand why you’re still single.
Here’s 10 reasons why you could potentially be single…